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Riverside Manor is a safe and affordable, clean and sober living environment for addicts and alcoholics in recovery. We are not a treatment facility nor do we provide counseling or therapy. The Manor is a place for those who celebrate recovery and want to better their lives. Please understand that you are NOT a renter here but a guest in my home. You have to agree to move out if you are asked to do so, for whatever reason. You have NO RENTERS RIGHTS BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT A RENTER! We are 12 step based and require attendance to NA and AA meetings. Everyone is welcome if they have an addiction and are in recovery, willing to stay clean and sober, attend 3 meetings a week, be respectful and do their chore. We can assist you if you need employment, out patient services, in patient services, or school. We are approved by the drug courts, law enforcement, parole and probation, CPS, fire department, code enforcement, CAARR, and  Sober Housing. 


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